Welcome to my FlamingFurnace, backyard metal casting blog.

Hi everyone, I mainly focus on metal casting projects using recycled scrap aluminum and other accessories in the pattern creations.
Aluminum is a very versatile material and I would like to promote the awareness of aluminum recycling via different metal casting projects.

Feel free to check my YouTube channel where I provide detailed explanations, tips & tutorials for best backyard aluminum casting methods, homemade foundry equipment & of course the importance of safety when working with molten aluminum.

So remember recycle and Enjoy my blog ;-)

April 03, 2012

Sand casting new foundry flask (Part I)

This is a new video I made showing the sand moulding process of my future foundry flask. In the video I made you will see the first part of the aluminum flask. I have 7 more parts to cast before it's ready for use.
This casting was made using my homemade green sand. No need for very fine casting details it's just a sand box after all ;-)
This is my sketchup design:

I made two patterns for each side of the flask, so the drag part is just a mirror image of the cope. The third pattern is my FlamingFurnace plaque name and flask size.
I made it optional to make the sand mould impression with or without it.

In the next image you can a correction I made to the gating system for the sprue, riser. This small change from the gating system I have in the video will prevent porosity.

March 14, 2012

Green sand casting, New Jack Plane Handles

I got a vintage Stanley jack plane no5 a few years ago and the back handle was broken where the bolt supports it, I found it was uncomfortable to work with the plane. The front handle was a bit cracked but after my baby son decided to use it as a ball it took him exactly five minutes to crack it into two halves. I don't know what material these handles where made from but it looks some type of resin before the plastic age. I decided to duplicate the two handles and sand cast new handles using my aluminum foundry. I also wanted a polished handles so it would be a unique jack plane. I checked on the internet and I did see aluminum handles that where manufacture for one of the hand planes at some stage. Making the sand mould was the easy part, creating the correct bolt core and angle for the back handle was a different story ;-)

The first casting was perfect my plan was to drill the bolt hole after the casting. The front handle drilling was accurate but on the back handle I drilled the wrong angle for the bolt to fit correctly. I experimented with different core types I didn't want to make the traditional sand core. The second and third casting of the core failed but on the forth casting I decided to use a 9mm diameter metal tube, 1.5mm thick and 6mm inner core diameter. I heated the metal tube before placing it in the flask and pouring the molten aluminum. This casting was successful.

Before I made the sand mould I reconstructed the broken end of the back handle. I used a filler and varnish to prevent the sand sticking to the pattern. I also used my foundry casting green sand and it proved again to be very suitable for this type of castings. I left a wide gating system and sprue/riser well and that prevented any casting defects. After the casting was ready I cut off the sprue and riser and drilled the bolt holes.

In the next set of images you can see the unsuccessful handle castings back in the crucible for another remelting session. After the bolt holes where done I used my buffing wheel and polished the new aluminum handles.

In the next images you can see the jack plane with the new front and back aluminum handles ready for use.

Today I was making a new pattern using my jack plane with the new aluminum handles first time. works great ;-)

February 29, 2012

Aluminum Foundry Sand Casting House no. 25, 38

After my last few successfully castings using greensand I decided to make two new aluminum numbers for my house and for my parents in law. After casting the "diving plaque" I had more experience with this type of pattern. For the first pattern with the no. 38 I used 9mm MDF for the plaque base and my old metal numbers. I used plastic rope to create the plaque boarder.

The main thing with plaques is to create a good draft (angle) around the letters using some sort of filler that will be easy to sand and smooth that way the letters impression in the sand mould will come out in good quality without breaking the sand. Its important to get the sand mould correct the first time because plaques are all about good finishing, any casting defects are hard to fix and will be visible to the observer eye and definatly to a metal caster.

Using my new greensand I made the mould for the no. 38. The casting turned out well I just had a bit of grinding of aluminum flash around the plaque. I got carried away with the parting powder so that ruined a bit the flat surface around the number...... but that will be painted anyway ;-).

The second house number 25 was custom made from a-z, the base I made from MDF and also the letters. I used 8mm MDF to make the numbers so the numbers where chunky and needed a good draft around them. The last thing and VERY IMPORTANT, I used clear varnish for both plaques that prevents the sand from sticking to the pattern.

I almost thought the number 25 would have casting defects because I didn't have enough molten metal too fill the feeder on one side. To my surprise it was perfect. After cutting of the the sprue and riser and a bit of flash grinding I only had to give the numbers a good polish on the buffing wheel.
Last thing I drilled holes to mount it on the wall.
I used black gloss external metal paint for both of the number plaques and I polished the no. 25.
Both of them will be mounted on the wall of our houses for many years to come.